Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Well, I finally figured out how to blog! Its been tough since my computer is out of order. I would have had more time to figure out how to post if I didn't have to go to the library where its packed with people waiting for computers. (sad face)

So i've been trying to be more newsy by picking up the Towerlight more often, getting a copy of the NY Times from the CFA lobby, reading more yahoo news, hanging around newsy people... I would watch the news but I don't own a TV. Newsy stuff can be hard to watch though. My friend told me yesterday that five or six people in West Virginia adopted a black child so they could torture him/her. Very shocking to me. I am astonished that this stuff still goes on.

I really enjoyed the food and cradle to cradle videos. I think its great that there are people who devote their time by coming up with environment friendly options. I think that its odd that we aren't using biodegradable materials in everything if its true it costs the same amount to produce. The food bit made me aware of the benefits of local produce and meats, eg. helps support the local community, less gas emissions from transportation, supports the local college students, less chemicals in foods etc.

1 comment:

Jangrrrrl said...

The Towerlight isn't a bonafide is the mouthpiece of the university administration.

Please use the reputable nesw sources I site from the first day of class. I have bibliographies posted on our Blackboard site.