Thursday, October 4, 2007

AAR's I'm a Pirate

Identify Current Social Issues

Develop Critical Thinking

Brainstorm/ Methodology Training

Design/ Research

Prototyping/ Interactive Prototyping

I wish I would have been more a part of the design on the t shirts. I'm usually away on the weekends, and the rest of the team wanted to work on them then. I have never done screenprinting, and Whitney said she had a kit somewhere, so I was expecting to learn how. i think the deadline just caught up with us. I think the iron ons was a good alternative time wise. i really like that we didn't go buy t-shirts, and i love thrift shopping! It reminds me of the Swap O Ramma Ramma. i would have liked to have come up with a catchy phrase that we could put in a

Project Management
As a group, i think we all had a sense of project management. We all new what we needed to get done, and by when, and in between deadlines, but we didn't write that down, or blog it. I personally need to do a better job of getting to the library so I can have more time to blog. i can't wait until my computer is fixed!


I wish we had some in action thrift store shopping pictures, in class pictures, movie clips, etc to put into the presentation. I love movie clips! I think most digital cameras have that ability, i would love to see this in others future projects and my own. I know Anne and Whitney took photos and movies, but i think they just didn't get them to me on time to fit into the presentation. I tried to have plenty of images in my power point, I wanted it to be interesting. I think without pictures, power points can be boring.

Part 2
Teaching the first four weeks of a course like this just overwhelms me. I think you have done a fabulous job of getting us all inspired. i love that we watch clips of things as a class and I love our brainstorming sessions, we get so much done and everyone has really great ideas. I'm having a hard time trying to think of what could be improved class structure wise. I love how the projects are open ended. i think if we had to choose from a list it wouldn't be as productive. I think its good that you want us to research about social issues that we generally wouldn't want to learn about, but I just don't like political stuff!


Jangrrrrl said...

The world is political. You live in the world. While I understand that politics can be uncomfortable, it is a fact of life. To stick one's head in the sand is....irresponsible....we live in a democracy which is the worst form of civil organization except for every other form of civil organization (Winston Churchill). In democracies citizens have responsibilities as well as rights. The younger generation sees only their rights....of great concern to older takes involvement to make a democracy effective. Find a place where you can be comfortable with politics. You put two or three people in a room and you have a political situation.....figure it out rather than hiding. You can handle it.

theresalaf said...

political things it is then!