Monday, March 31, 2008

Military Brat to Tree Hugger: Mission Complete

An E-mail sent from my finance Justin to his mailing list, I am so proud!

Hey Everyone,

In conjunction for Earth Hour all resources on the local area network
here will be unavailable for a duration of one hour. I know some of you

don't use the resources on the LAN here but I included you anyway to
assist in spreading the word about Earth Hour. From 20:00 hours to
hours all local systems here will be shut down and unavailable for use.

Additionally I would like to encourage everyone to do everything they
can to help support such a noble cause. Turn off your lights,
and anything else that idly uses power for just one hour tonight
starting at 20:00 hours (8:00PM) in an effort to globally reduce the
of energy world wide.

Earth Hour was created by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Sydney,
Australia in 2007, and in one year has grown from an event in one city
to a global movement. In 2008, millions of people, businesses,
governments and civic organizations in nearly 200 cities around the
globe will be turning off lights for Earth Hour.

If you would like to learn more about Earth Hour please visit the
website at
You can find WWF's website at

Justin Bard
What I think is really funny is that his step dad, (The Colonel)said he "was full of shit" asked him if he "was a tree hugger". This was a joke, fyi.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

ACC 2008!

ACC this year was an all around worth while and fun experience. I was able to walk around and get feedback from my classmates and professors. With the help of Jan, I had the opportunity again to work the show, this time with Anna Shapiro. Anna makes these intricate hand loomed shall type wearables, most which were made with bamboo fiber and super soft. She like many other artists on Friday were shocked at the lack of crowd. She had a very visually pleasing booth set up, everything was easily visible, organized, and definitely had a cohesive look. The more I go back to ACC, the more I notice the same stuff that never seems to fit as a part of the show for me. Despite this, there are definitely enough new artists and returning artists with new work to entertain me and want to be there.

Special Topics Class: Polynesian and Tahitian tattooing research

Research: Polynesian and Tahitian Tattooing

Goldman, Irving. Ancient Polynesian Society. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1970.

Adams, Henry B. Tahiti, Memoirs of Arii Taimai. Ridgewood NJ: The Gregg Press. 1901.

Brian, Robert. The Decorated Body. England: Balding and Mansell. 1979.

Heard, Gary L. Body Art, the Human Canvas – Ink and Steel. Oregon: Collectors Press Inc. 2003.

Schiffmacher, Henk. Tattoos. Italy: Taschen. 2001.

Gilbert, Steve. Tattoo History: a source book: an anthology of historical records of tattooing throughout the world. New York: Juno Books, 2000.

DeMillo, Margo. Bodies of Inscription: a cultural history of the Modern tattoo community. Durham [N.C.] : Duke University Press, 2000.

Thomas, Nicholas. Tattoo: bodies, art, and exchange in the Pacific and the West. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.